With Babel 5.x it was possible to use the
syntax by just enabling the state-0
language features.
Here is a simple class decorator:
class Foo {}
function annotation(target) {
// Add a property on target
target.annotated = true;
Adding the babel-preset-stage-0
module and configuring Babel
accordingly in the .babelrc
to include "stage-0"
before "es2015"
makes Babel consume the source code without complaining. But that’s
all, nothing happens.
After digging around I finally discovered that I had to include a specific plugin for this to work.
Install module babel-plugin-transform-decorators
and change the
configuration to this:
"presets": ["stage-0", "es2015", "react"],
"plugins": ["transform-decorators"]
And, tada…
SyntaxError: foo.js: Decorators are not supported yet in 6.x pending proposal update.
For now, Babel 6.x has removed support for decorators.