Electrum Style Functions

Jan 5, 2016  

I blogged about the style function a two weeks ago. Its goal is to produce a style object based on an input theme. While discussing the topic with my colleagues, the idea of using a class rather than a function to produce the style object emerged.

At first, I found the idea attractive: using classes naturally allows inheritance of styles, mirroring the same inheritance tree as the components they belong to.

Then I remembered Dan Abramov’s tweet:

Stateless pure function components in React 0.14 is one of the reasons you don’t want to use inheritance for your component wrappers.

Think functional

Using a JavaScript class does not really give us any advantages over functions.

In React, stateless components can be defined directly by a function. No need to use a class. So why should we use classes to replace the style function while at the same time trying to replace component classes by functions? It does not make sense.

We should think of composition rather than inheritance when dealing with the style functions.

Composing the style of a derived component

Say we have a style function for a container component:

// container.styles.js
export default function (theme) {
  return {
    base: {
      includes: ['resetList'],
      display: 'flex',
      flexDirection: 'column',
      flexWrap: 'nowrap',
      backgroundColor: theme.colors.lightBlue50

For a specialized component which organizes its content horizontally, we should not have to duplicate the above style function. Instead, we should build on it and specify a different flex direction while keeping everything else unchanged:

// flow-container.styles.js
import containerStyle from 'container.styles.js';

export default function (theme) {
  const style = containerStyle (theme);
  style.base.flexDirection = 'row';
  style.base.flexWrap = 'wrap';
  return style;

We could also be more explicit about it:

// flow-container.styles.js
import containerStyle from 'container.styles.js';

export default function (theme) {
  const {base} = containerStyle (theme);
  return {
    base: {
      flexDirection: 'row',
      flexWrap: 'wrap'