I’ve got a huge solution containing about 50 projects, some of which take loads of time to rebuild from scratch, because they require half of the Internet to be downloaded on the development machine.
From time to time, I need to rebuild just one project which produces a tool, which I then package into a VSIX (Visual Studio extension). To do this, I’ve written a small piece of PowerShell which, among other things, triggers a rebuild of the said solution:
$Configuration = "`"Release`""
$MsBuild = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
$BuildArgs = @{
FilePath = $MsBuild
ArgumentList = $SlnFilePath, "/t:Clean,Build", ("/p:Configuration=" + $Configuration), "/v:minimal"
Wait = $true
NoNewWindow = $true
Start-Process @BuildArgs
When you execute msbuild
, you tell it which are the targets. In
my example above, they are Clean
and Build
(see the "/t:..."
where they are specified).
You can also specify the name of a project. In my case, the project
is stored in a subfolder of the solution, called Lydia.Toolchain
and the project file is Lydia.Toolchain.csproj
I was expecting /t:Lydia.Toolchain
to work. But no…
error MSB4057: The target “Lydia.Toolchain” does not exist in the project.
So maybe this has something to do with the fact that my project is in a subfolder? I asked my colleague Roger, who has spent months in the depth of msbuild and its intricacies, while managing to remain sane.
SET MSBuildEmitSolution=1
To make long a long explanation short: the trick is to find out which name to use for the target. To do so, follow this tip shared by Ritch Melton on StackOverflow:
SET MSBuildEmitSolution=1
Then run a plain build. Locate the file with the .metaproj
and dig into it, until you find something like this:
<Target Name="Lydia_Toolchain" Outputs="@(Lydia_ToolchainBuildOutput)">
<MSBuild Condition="'%(ProjectReference.Identity)' == 'S:\git\rnd\lydia\Lydia.Toolchain\Lydia.Toolchain.csproj'" Projects="@(ProjectReference)" BuildInParallel="True" ToolsVersion="$(ProjectToolsVersion)" Properties="Configuration=Release; Platform=AnyCPU;BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="Lydia_ToolchainBuildOutput" />
<Target Name="Lydia_Toolchain:Clean">
<MSBuild Condition="'%(ProjectReference.Identity)' == 'S:\git\rnd\lydia\Lydia.Toolchain\Lydia.Toolchain.csproj'" Projects="@(ProjectReference)" Targets="Clean" BuildInParallel="True" ToolsVersion="$(ProjectToolsVersion)" Properties="Configuration=Release; Platform=AnyCPU;BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)" />
<Target Name="Lydia_Toolchain:Rebuild" Outputs="@(Lydia_ToolchainBuildOutput)">
<MSBuild Condition="'%(ProjectReference.Identity)' == 'S:\git\rnd\lydia\Lydia.Toolchain\Lydia.Toolchain.csproj'" Projects="@(ProjectReference)" Targets="Rebuild" BuildInParallel="True" ToolsVersion="$(ProjectToolsVersion)" Properties="Configuration=Release; Platform=AnyCPU;BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="Lydia_ToolchainBuildOutput" />
So in my case, the target is named Lydia_Toolchain
Back to my PowerShell script
$Configuration = "`"Release`""
$MsBuild = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
$BuildArgsClean = @{
FilePath = $MsBuild
ArgumentList = $SlnFilePath, "/t:Lydia_Toolchain:Clean", ("/p:Configuration=" + $Configuration), "/v:minimal"
Wait = $true
NoNewWindow = $true
$BuildArgs = @{
FilePath = $MsBuild
ArgumentList = $SlnFilePath, "/t:Lydia_Toolchain", ("/p:Configuration=" + $Configuration), "/v:minimal"
Wait = $true
NoNewWindow = $true
Start-Process @BuildArgsClean
Start-Process @BuildArgs
The first execution of msbuild
cleans up any build artefacts
whereas the second just builds what I need.
Roger told me that I don’t want to use a single /t:Lydia_Toolchain:Clean,Lydia_Toolchain
target because in some edge cases, it won’t do what I want. I’ll
take his word on that!